
Monday, April 1, 2013

"Bacon and Eggs" Treats


 Happy April 1st!!  I could not resist making these fun little "bacon and eggs" candies.  I saw this idea on the internet many months ago and tucked the idea away until today.  Hope you think they are as cute as I do. :)

White chocolate (I used Almond Bark melting chocolate)
stick pretzels
yellow candies (I used Reese's Pieces yellow candies, you can also you M&Ms or Skittles)
Parchment paper

Melt white chocholate in the microwave or double boiler.  Once fully melted ladle a spoon of chocolate on the parchment paper in a fried egg shape.  Quickly place the yellow candies for yolks and the stick pretzels for bacon.  Allow candies to set up for about 1 hour or more.  Enjoy.

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