I know it's not technically fall yet... but when school starts and September 1st goes by.... I'm thinking fall 'all! I love apples and always have a big bowl of apples sitting on my kitchen counter. My son is not the biggest fan of apples, but he loved these. Chocolate coated and dipped in fun candy, coconut and peanuts... how can you go wrong? My daughter took some chocolate dipped slices of apples as her "dessert" in a her lunch box today too. So, don't just make these during the fall... this is a fun dessert or treat any time.
1lb chocolate
6-7 small apples
popsicles sticks as needed
baking tray lined with wax paper
chopped peanuts
M&M or Reese's Pieces chopped
Bakers sweetened coconut
chocolate sprinkles


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