Here we are a week from one of the biggest holidays of the year... Christmas. This week started off great, but the events that transpired on Friday morning in Newtown, CT have really put me in a state of shock, sadness and dismay. I have not been on the computer or blogging since Friday afternoon when I heard what happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. My daughter is the same age these sweet children and the thought of something like this happening just sends shivers up my spin and makes me feel a sense of panic. My kids are excited about Christmas coming soon, but there are 20 beautiful little kids that will not get to open their presents on Christmas morning. My heart breaks for their parents, families and their community. My heart breaks for the teachers, principal and staff that lost their lives and their families where husbands, parents and children will not have them come home again. When did life become so scary?
Just a few days ago we heard of a mall shooting. People were simply going Christmas shopping and their lives were taken away by a mad gunman. There have been mass shootings at schools, malls, restaurants, places of worship, movie theaters and grocery store parking lots. Life is so precious and just the thought of some unstable person being able to decided who lives and dies makes me cringe with fear. I know this topic has nothing to do with cooking or recipes, but my heart is truly broken from what happened at Sandy Hook and all the places innocent people have died. I hope that we as a country can come together and find a way to keep guns out of the hands of people that just want to kill others. We deserve to be able to send our children to school without fear. We deserve to shop, worship and enjoy a movie without fear. Our children deserve to grow up in a country where they are safe.
My thoughts and prayers are with the parents and families of all those who lost their lives at Sandy Hook and everywhere there is and has been gun violence.
Here is my week in review....