Happy Sunday Everyone!
Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away and food is on my brain. Well, food is always on my brain. I am always coming up new ideas or recipes I want to create. But these days it's all about stuffing, veggie side dishes and turkey.
If I still lived in Sri Lanka, Thanksgiving would not be even on my radar, but since I have grown up most of my life here in the US... it's become a holiday that we enjoy, relish and really celebrate as a family.
I remember the first few years that we lived in the US, we didn't really celebrate Thanksgiving. I remember learning about the first Thanksgivings, the pilgrims and being curious about eating a Thanksgiving meal. So one year my mother bought a turkey and from then on the Thanksgiving tradition has been apart of our family as well. Now our family has grown a lot over the past two decades with us all getting married and having kids. It's nice to be able to share and celebrate together as a family.
It's a great time of year to give Thanks for all we have and celebrate our loved ones. It's also a great time of year to eat with "stretchy pants" I'll try my best to give you some ideas you can try out on your Thanksgiving table.... so onto the week in review.
- Acorn Kisses
- Green Bean Casserole with Fried Onions
- Pumpkin Flan with Maple Syrup
- Dan Dan Asian Noodles
- Apple Cinnamon Cake Donuts
Copyright: All recipes, content, and images (unless otherwise stated) are the sole property of Curry and Comfort. Please do not use without prior written consent. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.