I love this spicy Masoor Dal soup that is truly a protein packed one pot meal. Although I did not make this a vegetarian meal, it can easily become one by simply substituting vegetable stock and coconut milk if you want to make it vegan. Masoor Dal is readily available in Indian Grocers and some larger grocery stores in their international section.
Spicy Lentil (Masoor Dal) Soup
Recipe by Ramona from Kitchen Simmer
3 cups of water
1 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder (divided)
10-12 curry leaves (optional)
1 cinnamon stick
1 medium onion sliced
1 finely minced jalapeno
3 cloves of garlic finely minced or grated
2 cups finely diced fresh tomato
4 cups of chicken or vegetable stock
red chili powder-to taste
1 tsp of dried thyme
1 Tbs of lime juice (more for garnishing)
1 cup of coconut milk (or cow's milk)
salt and pepper to taste

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