Are you a bacon fan? Everyone in my family loves bacon so if I want the kids to eat brussels sprouts... just add a little bacon and they will disappear. This recipe is so simple and easy, but you get a big bang of flavor. It's a perfect dish to serve any time of the year. We're having it again this Easter.
3lbs washed and halved brussels sprouts ( I also cut the end off and pulled off any discolored leaves)
4-6 slices of bacon (reserve 2Tbs bacon grease)
salt and black pepper to taste
red chili flakes to taste

Wash brussels sprouts. Then cut off the end and cut into half. Allow to air dry on a baking sheet until needed. Meanwhile, cut bacon slices into small pieces and fry until crispy. Drain bacon pieces on a paper towel and reserve 2 Tbs of the bacon grease.

Toss cut brussels sprouts with salt, black pepper, red chili flakes and hot bacon grease. Place onto a baking sheet and bake in a 400 degree oven for 35-40 minutes until cooked and caramelized. Place on a platter and top with browned bacon pieces. Serve hot or warm. Enjoy.
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