Ingredients for Vadai:

4 green chilies
1 inch fresh ginger
1 pinch of asafoetida (see note)
1 medium onion chopped
2 tsp cumin seeds
15-20 curry leaves
1 tsp red chili flakes or powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
salt to taste
- Asafoetida can be found in Indian Grocery Stores.
- You want to also make sure you get the cleaned urad dhal where the outer dark husk has been remove.
Directions for Vadai:

Soak lentils overnight until softened. Drain the lentils very well so all the water is gone (allow lentils to sit in colander for 30 minutes to make sure it is well drained). Then grind in food processor until smooth with salt. Remove to bowl and allow the dhal to ferment with the salt for 3-4 hours. Next grind ginger, onion, curry leaves and chilies in food processes until minced, but not too mushy.

To make the vadai take a ball of dough in your wet hands (wet hands keep dough from sticking to your hands). Make a whole in the center (like a doughnut) and place in the hot oil to fry. Have oil heated to 350 degrees. Gently drop the vadai into hot oil and they will sink to the bottom of fryer (make sure it does not get stuck to the bottom of pan- if they do that just gently use a frying spoon to release). When vadai floats to the top and is golden brown drain on a paper towel. Eat alone or with coconut chutney. Enjoy.
Ingredients for Coconut Chutney:

1/2 cup coconut milk
Handful curry leaves
4-5chilies (seeded for less heat if desired)
1/2 medium onion
1 Tbs ginger
2 cloves garlic
1/4 tsp black pepper
lime juice (to taste)
salt (to taste)

Soak dessicated coconut in coconut milk for 30 minutes or longer to soften. In a food processor mince curry leaves, onion, ginger, garlic and chilies. Then add soaked coconut, lime juice, black pepper and salt and mix all ingredients together in processor until well combined. Serve at room temperature or chilled.

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