Watermelon season is in full swing here in the US. What picnic or barbeque would be complete without watermelon wedges to enjoy? There is nothing better than biting into a juicy and crisp watermelon slice and having all the juices run down your face and arms. There is only one problem with watermelons.... there can be mushy ones in the bunch. I try my best to inspect the watermelon as best as I can. I tap and look for the yellow patch at the bottom of the melon. Still, I come home on occasion with a less than stellar melon. This actually happened very recently and I was so disappointed. My husband said it may be a loss, but to throw it out. I refuse to throw out good food... so I had to come with a plan to use this melon up. Since the texture was the problem and the taste of the watermelon was very sweet and delicious I decided to blend it until smooth and make popsicles. It was a fantastic, quick and easy solution to the mushy melon problem. We were enjoying our watermelon popsicles for days later and keeping cool. Even my husband who wanted to throw it out was glad I vetoed his suggestion and made this sweet treat. So if you get stuck with a mushy melon, don't fret... just blend, freeze and enjoy.

6-8 cups of watermelon chunks
1 lime juiced
sugar simple syrup as needed to taste (my watermelon was very sweet so I did not use sugar)
Optional ingredients:
4-5 fresh mint leaves

Take watermelon and liquify in a blender until smooth. Strain though a fine mesh sieve and discard the pulp. Add lime juice and stir well. Add sugar simple syrup sugar if needed. Put into popsicle molds and freeze until set. Enjoy.
To make sugar simple syrup just take equal parts sugar and water and bring to a simmer until sugar melts completely. This prevents sugar granules from making drinks and popsicles grainy.
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