Hi Everyone! A fellow Foodbuzz friend tagged me in a Easter Tag Menu game. I have to come with a menu (Starter, Main Course and Dessert) using only my existing recipes from my blog. Well, my recipes are so diverse from across the world (and my blog only 2 months old) so I don't know how "Easter Themed" they will be. But here is my menu suggestions...
Caramelized Onion & Bacon Pie
Main Courses and Sides:
Smithfield Ham -cooked per instructions
Mushroom Biryani
Zucchini Cornbread
Easy No-Bake Coconut Cream Pie
Quick Boston Cream Pie
Dreamy Pineapple-Orange Trifle
Now I get to tag some of my foodbuzz friends. I hope you enjoy playing the game and checking out my Easter recipes. I also hope everyone has a safe and Happy Easter... Enjoy!!
- Annas Table
- Eat Yourself Skinny
- Mother Rimmy
- The Big Personality of a Little Vegan
- You Made That
- Homestyle World Cook
- Wilde in the Kitchen
- Mangia with Mario
- Torview toronto
- 4 the love of feasting
TAG!! Your it!