I decided I wanted to jazz the little cuties up a bit to represent my love of sweet and spicy food. So I added a canned pineapple chunk and nice slice of jalapeno to make them beyond delicious.
I made a practice round today so I could try them out before the big game and I can't tell you how excited I am to serve these in a few days to my guests. Oh goodness there were almost "can't stop eating them" good. They were also really easy to make because I had a little assembly line of the ingredients in front of me to make it go even faster. Before I knew it, I was just wrapping and rolling until I had a whole tray full of them to bake off.
I actually decided to make three versions of the appetizer so everyone one could have a choice of sweet, spicy or traditional. I made some that were smokie with bacon only (traditional), some with a smokie with pineapple (sweet) and finally a lot of the loaded smokie with pineapple and jalapeno (sweet and spicy). They all were a hit, but my family (especially my son) loved that loaded ones.
You will have the crowd cheering you on if you make these amazing appetizers for your game table.
1 package of little sausages (smokies)
1 package sliced bacon
1 can pineapple chunks (optional)
2-3 jalapeno peppers sliced (optional)
brown sugar as needed

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