Sunday, March 10, 2013

Curry and Comfort's Weekly Sunday Summary 3/4/13 thru 03/10/13


Hi Everyone,

This week was all about soups, healthy meals and a fun cute treat for my kids.   I loved all the dishes, but those snails really became a family favorite.

We finally are in Daylight Savings time (so more daylight hours for us).  That always makes me happy.  The only thing that does not make me happy is losing that one hour of sleep last night.  I am an early morning riser (no alarm clock and no coffee required), but it always becomes difficult to get up for those first few days when we lose that hour.   I don't know why a hour would make such a big difference in my sleep cycle but it does.  It's even worse on my kids.  Waking kids for school will be an extra big chore this coming week.  **Yaaawwn**  I'm tired (to say the least)... maybe looking at all my dishes from last week will perk me up so here's my week in review...

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