What do you do when you have a bunch of kids and adults that need a quick (yet tasty) lunch? I say boil some noodles. I have probably created at least a dozen different noodle dishes for the blog, but they are such a wonderful blank canvas to do so many different things with it that I just can't help myself. I mentioned in an earlier post that my mother, niece and nephew came over for the day last week. I was so busy making the dessert of
Grasshopper Cupcakes that I kind of forgot about them eating lunch first. Pasta is always fast since in boils in minutes and it's also kid friendly (especially for any picky eaters). I decided to throw in some veggies (all acceptable with the kids in my house) and season it for them. I added chicken bullion, but you can make this vegetarian by using Knorr's vegetable bullion as well. The noodles were a hit with no complaints heard... now that's music to my ears.
1 box of pasta noodles ( I like linguine and used whole grain noodles)
2 carrots grated
1/2 large red onion sliced
2 cups of broccoli florets sliced finely
2 Tbs of butter
1 Tbs of canola oil
10-12 curry leaves
1 bunch of green onions chopped
1/2 tsp of cumin seeds
1-2 cloves of garlic grated
1 inch of ginger grated
red chili flakes to taste
1-2 Tbs of soy sauce to taste
1-2 Tbs of Worcestershire sauce to taste
1-2 Tbs of Knorr Chicken or Vegetable bullion powder

Cook pasta (al dente) and drain. Set aside until later. In large pan heat butter and canola oil. Add onion, curry leaves, cumin seeds to

oil and fry for 1-2 minutes. Then add ginger and garlic and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Now add

grated carrot and chopped spring onion. Saute for 2-3 minutes. Add the sliced broccoli florets, red chili flakes, bullion powder,

Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce to taste. Add cooked noodles to the vegetables and toss well. Serve hot. This dish goes well with any meat curry as well if you like to eat it as a more of a curry meal. Enjoy.
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